Shareware Information! ScriptRunner 1.0.4 shareware is not a Freeware! The one and only Copyright is in posession of: © CAO | Frank Schibilla Aachener Straße 1413 50859 Köln Germany AppleLink: CAO Compuserve: 100145,3422 Tel.: x49 - 2234 - 71 614 / 71 621 Fax: x49 - 2234 - 75 325 You have the right to make an application test for 30 days. If you are pleased with the results and would like to continue using SCRIPTRUNNER 1.0.4 shareware, please send your registration and the registration fee (US $ 66,- please add US $ 5,-- for shipping), (Cash or Check) to the above mentioned address. You will receive thereupon a fullversion, as well as, a complete manual of the program and the individual modul. You are permitted to copy, as often as you like, the SCRIPTRUNNER 1.0 shareware and pass it on to friends and aquaintances, provided that it is not altered. You are allowed to request solely for the cost of the disk and the expense of the copy (maximum US $ 5,00). To request more than the allotted amount, infringes on the users conditions and therefore, you must destroy all existing copies permitted on your behalf! Copying for COMMERCIAL purposes IS NOT ALLOWED! There is also an German-Language Version availiable.